Friday, June 19, 2009


My " Jake" yes, that is what we call him. One of many nicknames ..Carter John, John and baby Johnathon and C.J.V.

I love you. My heart is filled with love for you and all your curls. You and Susan Michelle AKA Olivia are best buds. You Love your siblings and are always keeping up with them. You are daring and already a risk taker. Life is so much better with you in it (even if you still share our room!) I ask you tonight to say a prayer for Carter. We will be taking him into the doctor next week for some tests. He has a hard time digesting food. He will vomit about 3-4 times a week. It is a projectile vomit. We thought at first it was nothing. Now that it has continued for about 3 months and progressing we are having him checked out. Here are the things we kept thinking it might be.
1) he gets to full
2) he gags himself on purpose
3) He cries to hard and the end result is throw up.

Now we are concerned it might be more then that. He is pretty much on a liquid diet. Milk bottles all day. I thought I could have him off the bottle by now but it won't happen. The poor kid needs to eat something. Thanks for your prayers.

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