Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Not Me Monday's

I know..it is Tuesday today...but I was busy this weekend and that carried over to Monday...So here is my Not me Monday...
It was NOT me who rolled over in bed to find a used diaper by my leg and as I sat up I did NOT find another one!
It was NOT me who went with the have whatever you want for dinner night 2 times last week. It was NOT me who convinced them cereal would be a good choice.
It was NOT me who donated Olivia's stuff animals that were NOT taking over our lives.
It is NOT me that still has her 3 year old convinced that the fry machine at McDonalds did NOT catch on fire and now we are not allowed to have fries.
It was NOT me who took the batteries out of 3 toys because they did NOT drive ME to the brink of insanity...
I did NOT yell at my children this week nor did I slam a cupboard.
It is NOT me who is so over this week already.

1 ...Stalker Comments:


You make me laugh. My days have been very much the same. I love "not me monday's" Love YOU too!