Monday, January 5, 2009

Not me Monday's....

Here it is...the not me Monday..being honest about your parenting and living to tell about it!!
Click here to read about the other Not me Monday bloggers.

It was not me who gave the kids 2 baths in one day because I could not figure out what to do with them during the day. It was not me who carried the lap top to the bathroom during activity bath time.

It was not me who let her kids watch way to much TV during Christmas break..I mean WAY to much TV. The spent a good amount of time in front of the thing.

It was not me who gave up on cleaning the house the last few weeks and watched TV with them.

It was not me who stayed out way to late and partied like a rock star..just joking I did not party but a simple errand with my best friend turned in to a mini getaway and I left all the kids with Jeremy till 2am. I still didn't want to come home..nope not me.

Pulling the high chair into the living room in front of the TV to buy myself a few more selfish minutes didn't happen either.

It was not me who bought to much junk food for the Christmas break in hopes of bribing my children to behave. Nope..I was not that mom..

I was not the mom who lied to her 3 year old telling her that her cousins could not come over because they had the flu and threw up all over the place and it got in their hair and on their Christmas tree..It was not me who actually told the longest lie just to convince her.

So here is to an great week of routine, activities not involving the TV and a clean house and healthy food!

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