Thursday, November 6, 2008

Thursday's Thread

Here is neat thing I found on another blog...I will try every Thursday to post. Please people I have 6 people, 1 dog, 7 fish living in my house so don't hold me to it!

A week in review

I'm thankful for....My husband, My friends, my in-laws, my mom babysitting for every appointment so I can recover quickly!

I'm listening to...Olivia talking NON-STOP about everything, mailing a letter to Demi's mom, Amber leaving a cup, Dad at the neighbors, telling me Christmas is coming and she wants new panties, not with flowers but she's having a picnic...her bum smells like strawberries..she needs her cup and Carter is not going to hear her yelling..all in matter of 3 minutes!

In the oven...
I made potatoes for dinner tonight...maybe candy bread tomorrow ( Don't hold your breath you will die!)

What's for dinner tonight....Terayaki chicken, potatoes, Cesar salad

What I'm looking forward to...Friday..ahving a goodbye dinner for a friend, looking forward to dinner with no kids but not saying goodbye, Saturday with Jenn...going to Treasury of memories class. Play date with Jeremy's cousins and a Big doctors appointment

What's happening this week....I am cleaning and preparing to finally paint the small kids room, 2 massage appointments and 3 Physical therapy appointments

I am loving fall! I am not looking forward to Jeremy working all weekend. I have had a busy week and it felt good to have schedule but not wanting to repeat it!

I am missing...Matthew's Boy Scout shirt for 1 month! I am not wanting to purchase new one! My cousin Edee...sometimes I just need her! The California Cousins and the Sun there!!

1 ...Stalker Comments:


What a good idea! Week in review. I might have to try that one, although, sometimes I can't even remember what happened yesterday we get so busy!