Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Can't imagine..

I was called yesterday with some really sad news...a family had lost their 6 month old baby.


All day today I could not shake that heavy heart feeling. I tried many times to talk myself out of crying. You know saying things to your self like God had a plan, God is in control and then I became mad...I cried in my van on the way home , bawled.

I know that we can't see God's plan and that is where faith comes into play but as with anything we are tested time and time again...these parents, these precious people and all the extended family and heart hurts for you.

My 'stuff' seems so small in comparison to what they are feeling.

I do not know the depth of losing a child. I do not know the depth of losing a nephew or a grandson.

I spoke softer today to my children. Hugged my 13year old as he came home 1 hour late ( he is never late) then scolded him..I sat on the couch and quit cleaning and facecracking and actually watched a cheesy show with my kids..

I didn't complain about cooking for 3 very hungry children....because I have 3 children.

I prayed harder then I have in sometime....

1 ...Stalker Comments:


I am so sorry to hear of this sad news about people you know. Sometimes it takes news like that to put our own blessings that we take for granted each day into perspective huh? You're a good mom, friend and woman of God. Blessings to you today Tiff!