Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Crazy Busy!!

We have been crazy busy..I know everyone is busy! I wish I could say I have been busy shopping, wrapping, making homemade gifts for my loved ones (yeah, right!) but you get the idea...Nope, none of that stuff! Crazy busy with family! Tis' the season for family!

My brother and sister threw a party for my mom in honor of her 50Th birthday! WoW! 50! My children better help me celebrate when I am 50! Only because I made it through raising them! I would also like to say that planning the party with 2 siblings was great! More hands...less work! reminds me why I have 3 kids.

We had a great dinner and a wonderful DJ Click here to book him for your next event! He was Awesome! He can do any event for you...weddings, birthdays, and parties!

Happy Birthday Mom! We love you!

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