Monday, January 17, 2011


Oh, I have so many pictures to share with you, but this dinosaur of a computer is having a hard time. I think it will soon be extinct.

Then maybe I can convince my husband I need a new laptop.

No school today. Not sure if I should be happy about it or sad. I am happy not to go anywhere but a sad they will continue the day fighting. I will go crazy, locking myself into my room, eating every piece of left over Halloween candy I can find then have to parent all day.

Unless I take off going to Target to find deals I just can't live without giving the checkbook a run for its money but of course I have already done that.

A very special person sent me an email last night. I wish I would have read it last night. I had already done my make-up this morning when I read it and I could not stop crying, okay, sobbing like a baby.

I can't email her back quite yet because I am sure I will cry, and it is very hard to type when you have been crying. Her email was full of faith for me and my family. Her words where reaffirming that I am loved, valued and cherished.

I ask of you to tell your loved ones the beauty you see inside them. To give them uplifting words. Not because they are at an all time low or because they are at an all time high.

Just because.

Because you care. Because you value them.

It might just mean more to them you even know.

When I was going through my stuff I quit blogging, I quit facebooking. I was so messed up I just couldn't log into the computer.

I would occasionally and I was surprised at the few emails I got from people asking how I am doing. How God had put me on their heart. People that I would not normally call and go to coffee with but people I care about. It made me feel good.

Who are you going to bless today by your words?