Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Ella Jo

My Sister had her baby Saturday Morning...Tammy has been under alot of stress due to her husband leaving her and having 3 other kids to care for. She went into labor and drover herself to the hospital where they did an emergency c-section ( Baby was breech) Ella was born at 34 weeks and weighed 5 pounds 13 ounces and is 18 inches long....oh and she is super CUTE!!!

Tammy started to hemorrhage and lost a lot of blood. Monday they did 3 blood transfusions. She is doing much better now.

Ella is still weak and is learning to eat. She has had to go on oxygen along with feeding tubes,iv's...not a lot of fun.

In a situation like this Prayers are always needed!

We Love you Tammy and no matter what we are your voice and are here for you.

1 ...Stalker Comments:


She is soooooo pretty!!! Congrats Tammy!! I have said all year God knew I was going to need a reason to smile everyday and He gave me that by giving me Demi and He has blessed your life with Ella for the same reason...I promise she has a big purpose. We are praying that you feel His strength His comfort and love beyond measure. Love, Cher and Girls xoxox