Friday, September 26, 2008


Both boys have been recently grounded..both separate issues. Today was the first day they are off ungrounding and both were up and showered at the crack dawn so they could check their myspace. It was then that both of them really didn't understand why they got grounded.

I really think they thought I wanted to extra house cleaners all week. So I went through why and trust is a very important part of life and if nobody trust you then your character and integrity will mean nothing.

I swear they heard" blah.blah,blah.blah"

On that note I am trying to enjoy the journey of tweenagers and teenagers ..smelly socks, undone homework ( I did tell them every missing assignment is one day grounded) along with a whole list of Blah blah blah's.

I think it is even comical that they think I am so old that I forgot what high school was like. How could I forget those where some good years !? I am sure my mom sounded the same way..Blah.Blah.blah.

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