Sunday, August 3, 2008


We have been really busy between having surgery and the wedding and just having 4 kids in the house.

I am recovering still however I am up and moving...Many people wonder how & Why...well laying down and doing nothing is not good...Moving Slow and steady helps with a quality recovery. Doing Nothing is not good for anyone...walk,stretch,move and keep active!! First hand experience you do not want any kind of injury....

Anyways....Wedding went good....Well except Olivia never made it down the Isle ( she called it the Island) She took off her dress and shoes and cried. During pictures she hid under my dress...You know the dream you have your baby girl being a flower girl and how cute and sweet and darling it will be!? yep, Dream turned to nightmare. Oh,well at least there was 2 flower girls...What can you do!?

Jeremy took the kids along with Great-Grandpa Vandergiessen to the tractor show on Saturday. Jenn & Michelle came over cleaned the house and lifted my spirits! Thanks Girls.

Hope you guys had a great weekend!!

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