Sunday, October 19, 2008

8 months

My Sweet Carter turned 8 months old on the 3rd ( I know...LATE) and because I am not crafty with anything scrapbook I print these out and file them in their baby books. It may not qualify me as memory maker of the year but I know that they will love the randomness of our lives one day.

Carter..You are so loving! You still have no teeth and just learned to crawl..You have learned that dad will bring you to bed with us on the first peep. You are eating solids 2 times a day and with every bite of fruit you make a sour a face and blink your eyes. It is comical to watch! You do not like crackers. You love your sippy cup.

Your arms go flying when you see anyone of us and will do a fake cry when we walk out of the room. I can't believe you will be turning 1 soon...We love you John!

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