Monday, June 30, 2008

Who's listening?

I have not had my computer for 4 days...It was getting upgraded. I am so happy to be back into the blogging field and reading all my fellow blogger's blogs....

On Wednesday I was resting on the couch and Olivia had just gotten up from her nap. She was crabby and started saying not so nice things in a not so nice tone. So instead of putting her in a time out chair I started to fake cry and told her it really hurt my feelings and that when she talks like that to others it will make them sad. This carried on for 20 minutes with me crying and her saying "I sorry mommy"

The door bell rings and in no hurry to get the door, I step over blankets and about 3 feet of toys and gold fishes on the floor and still in my "House clothes" it is Officer Glunt.....

Officer " Hello Tiffiny" ( yep, knows me by first name)

Me "Hi"

Officer " we received a 911 hang up call from here"

Me " from here!!???

Officer ...Yep from here..Sounds of maybe fake crying? A baby crying and a maybe a tv?

Me:...Well, let me go check the phones...well it says line in use. nope not this phone. Not this one either. Let me check number 3.

Under all the toys and the blanket I pick up phone number 3...Sure enough 9112665739784-20894 was dialed from Olivia's little toes as she must have stepped on it when we where playing our "game"

He laughed and took my name.

I am so glad he did not hear anything else...