So Last night I decided to pull Carters Bassinet into our bathroom so maybe he would stay asleep. He doesn't wake up crying or wanting to play he just acts very uncomfortable. Anyways, He is still sharing our room and I thought it might help. So I lay him down at 7pm and then Olivia at 8:30..I am ready for bed at 9 but Jeremy still wasn't home from Men's night so I stayed awake...The next thing I know it is 1 am...Are you kidding!?? I lay in bed and 1:35 Carter needs me...Then at 4:52 Olivia is crying and up for the day.
I should of known,,,,when I think it will be good it SUCKS! I am so tired and of course today is the day I have all my Bellingham appts. I will not get my nap but don't worry I have enough Mickey Mouse Club theme song in my head to keep me awake!
I have always been fascinated with the fact that moms lose 722 hours of sleep the first year...No wonder why we are an emotional mess.
Have a great day!
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