Thursday, April 17, 2008


My Friend had asked me how my day was going...asking if it was crazy like always...I couldn't lie. It was heading that way by 8am....

Here was my response.....................

How is my day you ask!?? Well, I have fished out toys from the potty. Changed Carter 3 times. Ran my recycling out while the guy was stopped at the nieghbors...Watched him turn around just for me as he had already went by. I cleaned up a water spill and repaired a whoopee cushion. I changed sheets for Olivia. I ate a snickers bar for Lunch & Breakfast. Managed to sweep the floors and delete recordings while holding the baby. I made my bed! YESSSS!! I propped a bottle becasue Olivia was trying to undress herself to go pee and was leaking...Wheww...all by 1pm...Now she has decided no nap for today so I might go tinker in the yard...all the while wishing I was somewhere warm...My bed included.

What I forgot was we had family come by for a visit and to see Carter. I was in my PJ's The entire time. Spent 30 minutes looking for a binky. Called the repair man to find out why my Oven is broken &*%$#%&* That's How I feel about that. I wiped a snotty nose. Made lunch for Olivia ( Thank You Gerber for Mircowave meals! ) Fed the fishes...Half the container ended up in there so I am hoping that the filter is really good. Sent thank you cards. Played dress-up........
Wheww.....And they say I don't work.
Now Top that Carol Brady!