Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Is it Turkey day yet?

I am counting the days till Black Friday. But we must eat Turkey first. So I am cooking the bird this year.


Nothing like watching 5 hours of Food Network to give me ideas on how this Thanksgiving should take place. There are a million ways to Stuff the bird. A million ways to coat the bird.

House really should be cleaned today. My personalities ( all of them) are hiding. Where is OCD? She must have left me cuz this house is looking a bit horrific. I am thinking of buying a steam mop. I heard they rock.

My Post is just a bunch of rambles. I keep thinking of all the stuff I could say but that would require me to type. I hate typing.

My Christmas cards are done. Doesn't mean they will be mailed out anytime soon. I said they are done as in the design and pictures.

My van has a radio in it now. So I am back to driving the mini.

Olivia's room is just about done. Exciting stuff around here I tell ya.

Not really but I have to make it seem exciting.......

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