Sunday, October 4, 2009

Top 13

Dear Matthew,

Today you turned 13. A teenager. I was sad today although I never showed it to you. I was sad that you no longer wanted party hats, balloons or gifts. You wanted money to save for your first car.

You want to go into the woods and shoot a gun filled with paint balls. You wanted to aim them at your father and Mikey. 10 years ago you didn't want to kill a spider, 10 years ago I had to keep the hallway light on....10 years ago you wanted to marry me....

here are my top 13 memories of you ( not in any order)

1) You slept through the night at 3 weeks old.

2) You named your bunny cow & chicken

3) You slept with me every night dad drove truck but knew that when he came home you had to sleep in your own bed but never did..I would find you in the hallway next to our door.

4) you collected all the bees and flies from the window and put it in my coffee and then hid behind the curtain to see if I would drink your bug soup

5) You called your pirate flag on the back of you bike "smart assy" in front of the WHOLE family

6) You spent 3 hours taking bungee cords , about 200 of them and strung them around our back yard calling them "Hokey Does"

7) You had the kids at school pay you to push them on the swing, you then hired kids to be the pushers and came home with a profit ( the school called me)

8) You mastered the computer by age 3.....Tonka construction

9) Your Lego building skills are incredible

10) Your Matchbook collection received 1st prize at the NWWF netting you a 2.37 check you never cashed for the simple fact it looked better on your wall

11) You would hang your head so low that your arms would drag when you got in trouble or got mad at us.

12) You get my coffee ready every night for me...sometimes pouring me a cup before I get up

13) you still love the story of "Molly Lou Melon"

I love you son...I am proud of your choices. Life is hard and sometimes cruel but your attitude is full of optimism. You LOVE your family.

Your already saving money for a car and you won't be driving for 3 years. You are practical and have inherited my coupon skills. You are very helpful with your siblings. You see the hard work it is but still encourage us to have one more...Telling us that we are great parents.

You my son are a true blessing from God. I thank him everyday for giving you to us. OUr world is better.

Happy 13th birthday


Dad & Mom

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