I am glad I know the story now and that I am able to share with my children, I am thankful someone shared it with me.
I am not a big fan of egg hunts or baskets. We do them and have fun doing egg hunts and baskets but I am so afraid my children will not know the real story of Easter that we talk about it days before and days after Easter.
Having one Girl does mean that I get to buy a snazzy Easter dress every year!!! I am the one who is excited days before I actually get to go pick it out. She is lucky I don't purchase her a ballroom gown for this very special day. Her dress was from Wal-Mart and I did have her headband made special for the dress. I called my Talented dear friend Sarah who whipped this up in a few days. I love talented people!! Anything you need or want done crafty SHE will get it done..Thank You Sarah for making the outfit complete!
Miss America wore the dress about 6 times before Easter and she begged me to let her sleep in the night before Easter. I let her. You know I did!!
We had my family over on Saturday for a a wonderful dinner and egg hunt. It was fun for everyone. The kids found eggs with bonus papers in them and the redeemed them for prizes. Grammy and Grandad presented each grandchild with Easter baskets.
Carter fell out of his stroller and scraped up his nose and lip, along with a nice bruised forehead.
Side Note: For all of you who think I don't enjoy taking pictures of Matthew anymore...that is not true..He runs and hides from me every time I ask him to smile. He is still my baby...nothing has changed.
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